Indian Wedding

 Watch and Observe

View from the hotel

Our first day in India was a recovery day and an opportunity to begin booking our appointments for the Longstay French visas. I thought this would be easier in India, but alas, VFS Global appointment system still alluded us - our payment was still not accepted. Nothing much we could do about it today, so we spent the day recuperating after our flight and watching the most amazing transformation of a plain grass space at the hotel be transformed into a wedding reception area. The men decorating worked from sun up. Everything was built onsite - including all of the flower arrangements! So many fairy lights were put up around the entire space using the natural canopy of the trees and very long bamboo poles to reach the top branches. The bride and groom arrived quite late in the evening, as many weddings in India are conducted at at date and time according to the couples horoscope - this could mean a 3am wedding! We woke on Sunday morning and everything was back to normal. You would never have known it was a fairy light delight the evening before.
