A spanner in the works

8 days out and prayer needed

The last couple of days have been a little rough...

I had my last covid shot and then spent a couple of days in bed with bad headaches, temperature and body aches. So much so, that I missed our Christmas Church service for the first time in years. 

Tony was able to represent us on the music front at Church, but after lunch he had a headache and had to lie down. He slept through most of the family celebrations in the evening (only getting up to do the BBQ - what a trooper!), but that evening had a terrible night with sweats, chills, a raging headache and constant startling awake. It wasn't until the next day that I found a faint rash on his leg...

I applied my first aid training and circled the rash to see if it was getting larger. It did, and so at 5:30pm, I dropped Tony off at Emergency. 

....11 hours later.... he finally had an 'online call' with a doctor (what!!), been prescribed antibiotics, and I was able to pick him up at 4:30am. Due to the wait, the cellulitis in his leg turned to this...

He is now home resting, getting plenty of fluids and praying that this heals before we journey to India in 8 days!

If you are a prayer warrior, please pray for Tony to heal exceptionally fast!
