7 Days Out

 New Plans

Tony’s leg has pretty much healed thanks to a lot of good advice, good antibiotics, a wonderful GP and a whole lot of prayer. We still have a week to go until our flight to India so we are feeling fairly confident that the leg will be more than safe to fly. There have been lots of jokes surrounding the term ‘Main Carer’ that the GP gave me. Sometimes I’m mainly caring, other times I’m caring mainly about….,Tony would request service from his main carer… and on and on.

In the meantime, I have been taking the opportunity to put in a watering system that should have been installed prior to our initial flight date, but didn’t get done. After a few hours of putting in joins to the water line, Tony let me in on a trick to make it easier (dipping it into boiling water) 😂😂 could have told me that earlier😆

I’m still working on 5 kgs of luggage that needs to remain behind…

GOOD NEWS FLASH - It looks like our travel insurance will reimburse us the price of the change to the airline tickets. We didn’t even consider this when we were looking at new dates. We just considered the fact that most of January would be over if we waited for a cheaper price and didn’t want to waste the precious time we had to work in India.

So, we leave on the 13th January and fly directly to Bangalore. We have booked a hotel called The LaLit Ashok for 7 days while we apply and wait for our Long Stay French Visas. Thought we may as well enjoy our stay as we missed out on 10 days of exploring Jaipur. We will have to wait for another time to see the Pink City. Bengaluru (or Bengalore) looks like a great city to explore and is known for many micro breweries. I have never tasted Indian beer but the tour guide on YouTube had mixed reactions 😏.

The LaLit Ashok:
