Indian students chosen to go to Spain!


A Weekend of Sport

Paramjyoti School has launched its inaugural Sports Camp. In Amalapuram, where the school is located, children are not very active in any kind of organised sport. Although many boys and men will get together for an impromptu hit of cricket, the regular training for such an event is not a common phenomena.  The school is working hard to change this culture and to produce students who are mentally, physically and academically healthy. Students who are working on physical stamina, muscle and skill development - everything required for healthy bodies and brains! Team work is also high on the agenda. Teaching the students to share and support one another in football and basketball is a life long lesson to apply in other areas.
Students came from various areas to attend the camp. Although hosted by Paramjyoti School, the invitation to all local teens was advertised, via a loudspeaker on the back of an auto, of course! Coaches from many nations were brought in to teach the basic skills of Football (AKA Soccer) and Basketball. Students from Prep to Year 10 all had the same opportunity to learn from the coaching gurus. 

After 2 days of learning skills, the day came for some competition matches. In the football, each age group was divided into four teams. - Chelsea, Liverpool, Barcelona and Manchester United. Many games ran throughout the day with a series of play offs until the time came when the final was played by the seniors. 
The commentator - Coach Srinivas - provided a wonderful account of matches throughout the day and it was broadcast loudly enough for the entire neighbourhood to hear. Local kids, cows and dogs all looking over the fences to see what the excitement was all about! The football ended with an obligatory match between Miriam (sister school also in Amalapuram) and Paramjyoti teachers, who demonstrated great team spirit and pretty good ball handling skills. Miriam School Teachers were the winners of the grand trophy that is now displayed proudly in the Principals office ready for next years playoff.
 After a morning of football and a rest during the heat of the day, the basketball competition commenced with fierce competitive spirit. Quick ‘round robyn’ style half court games were played with some sensational skills and shots being made. 
The excitement increased as the sun started to go down and the spotlight was on the three best student players versing the basketball coach guru, a parent from Lioncrest Academy in Vizag and Josh Komanapalli (Executuive Principal of Paramjyoti, Miriam and Lioncrest). Such intensity and speed had the crowd cheering as shot after shot was made. Great to see the Executive Principal leading the way and putting his body on the line!
An amazing event for students to enjoy, parents to support and the community to come together in what I would call “Great Aussie Spirit!”  The best thing about this day was the selection of four students to attend a sports camp in Spain! An amazing opportunity and life changing experience even to be selected by the professional coaches who were flown in to run the weekend. This school stops at nothing in trying to change the local culture for positive outcomes.
