The Countdown is ON!

Nine days until we leave Australia and live a different life for a year...

The checklist is underway.

Mock packing πŸ‘ Tony 10kg underweight vs Victoria 5kg overweight

Bills paid for the year πŸ‘

Pick up Airline tickets from Next Travels Cessnock πŸ‘

Get a new passport photo for an international driver's licence (for France NOT India!!!) πŸ‘

Book an appointment in India for the France Long Stay Visa...attempted many times but have failed so far πŸ˜’

Pack away excess furniture etc, ready for the tenant πŸ‘Š

Catch up with a heap of people πŸŽ‰

Have loads of cuddles with the doggies...and the cat! 

Get immunised for everything.....ahhh...$$$$$ Plan ahead for these; they are expensive. πŸ‘

Book and pay for the car lease for France πŸ‘

Get the latest Covid Vac πŸ‘ ....why did I do that 2 days before Christmas - nasty side effects.

India Visa πŸ‘

Delivery of Macbooks from school to take to India πŸ‘

Scan all teaching resources that I might possibly need in India πŸ‘

Enjoy wine before we go dry in India πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
